Yoga Wisdom for the Modern Yogi: Jivamukti + Yoga Philosophy 

After the success of their first ever collaboration together, Karina and Alexander team up again to bring you a magical winter retreat up in the mountains at Nøsen. You asked, and we listened! In February, we’re bringing you the best of Jivamukti and Dharma Yoga in 5 immersive days, practicing everything from graceful and challenging asanas, to kirtan, pranayama, workshops, multimedia sessions, yoga philosophy and satsang. So we’re calling out to all you Modern Yogis to come join us and dive deep into our pool of yoga wisdom. Our goal is to make this ancient practice accessible, inspiring and most importantly relevant to today’s world.  

Who this is for:

Anyone that wants to learn more about Jivamukti Yoga, and Yoga Philosophy.

Why is it relevant?

As yogis practicing and living in busy, modern cultures like Norway, it’s sometimes easy to forget the true essence of yoga and how to get the most out of our practice. With our infinite to-do lists and various obligations, we sometimes forget the key skills we have learned or become lost in how to apply them in our daily lives. This retreat is here to address all that - teaching us not just words of wisdom but how to do something about it, how to take action, and ACTIVATE our practice. We will look at concepts like “dharma” (good virtues) and “karma” (selfless service) as well as how to get out of our own way and show up in the world for ourselves and each other. This retreat is about consciously applying knowledge and skill to our actions, and learning to live responsibly and meaningfully as a “modern yogi”. 

What is Jivamukti Yoga?

The Jivamukti Method is grounded in the original meaning of the Sanskrit word asana as “seat, connection” – relationship to the Earth. Earth implies all of life. Citing the Yoga Sutra, which states that asana should be sthira and sukham, Jivamukti Yoga maintains that one’s relationship to others (asana) should be mutually beneficial and come from a consistent (sthira) place of joy and happiness (sukham). This is a radical idea that, when put into practice, can dismantle our present culture, which is based on the notion that the Earth and all other animals exist for our benefit and to be exploited for our own selfish purposes. So the practice of asana becomes more than mere physical exercise to keep one’s body fit or to increase strength or flexibility; it becomes a way to improve one’s relationship to all others and thus lead to enlightenment – the dissolution of the sense of separateness, the realization of the oneness of being, the discovery of lasting happiness. A Jivamukti Yoga class is spiritual, uplifting and physically challenging. It emphasizes the physical yoga practice (asana), practiced in a continuous flow with a playful approach. While also including elements of chanting, music, meditation and yoga philosophy. The method originated in the 1980s in New York City, founded by Sharon Gannon and David Life, students of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Swami Nirmalananda and Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati.


About your teachers



Karina has taught yoga since 2008 and offers classes at several yoga studios in Oslo. Her background is mainly in dance, Asthanga Yoga and Jivamukti Yoga. She was introduced to yoga through her studies at the Norwegian University College of Dance, 2003-2006. Today she is an 800- hour Advanced Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher. Her first encounter with Jivamukti Yoga was during the summer of 2010, when she traveled to New York for dance, inspiration and 'the big city experience'. In June 2012 she traveled to Blue Spirit - Costa Rica, for her 300+ Jivamukti Yoga teacher training and in 2014 she moved to NYC, to complete an 800- hour apprentice-ship program at the Jivamukti Yoga School New York. She has also completed a 200- hour yoga teacher training with R.Alexander Medin, based on Ashtanga Yoga and yoga-philosophy (2009). In her teaching, Karina emphasizes the holistic approach to yoga. The physical practice combined with the philosophical and mental perspective; devotion, consciousness and kindness. Her classes contain elements of chanting, music, playful, physically and challenging asana- sequences. She believes that it is not about performing or being "perfect" but rather be the best version of yourself, in every aspects of life. ON and OFF the mat.



Alexander is the founder of Nösen Yoga and one of the foremost teachers on Yoga and Yoga Philosophy that we know of. He has been teaching Yoga around the world for over 20 years. In 2002, he became certified by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois from Mysore, India. Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009) developed the style of Vinyasa Yoga known as Ashtanga. Only 35 people worldwide have obtained the certification as Ashtanga teachers by Pattabhi Jois, Alexander being one of them. With a Master’s degree in Sanskrit and Indian religions and spending many years studying in India, he regularly writes about Yoga and many of his articles have been published in leading, international journals about Yoga. He has translated the Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita to Norwegian. Founded and runs the foundation “Yoga for Life”, he has launched and continues running projects, such as “Gangster Yoga” and “Back in the ring”, helping people who have “fallen out” of society and giving them the opportunity to build themselves up again, through solid Yoga practice, heightened sense of responsibility and social work.


  • Shared room (max 3-4 participants/room): 6500,- (early bird 5700,- before December 20th 2020)

  • Shared room (max 2 participants/room): 7100,- (early bird 6100,- before December 20th 2020)

  • Single room: 7700,- (early bird 6700,- before December 20th 2020)

The price includes:

  • Accommodation for 4 nights at Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell

  • Full pension during the stay

  • Workshops and lectures during the retreat

The price does not include:

  • Specialty tea and coffee from the barista

  • Driving service from/to Fagernes or Gol (can be ordered separately)

  • Extra towels or sheets