Mysore style or Led class

Morning 7.00 - 08.30

Price drop-in: 300 NOK per person

Classic Mysore style or a led Ashtanga yoga class.
Please, book at least 24 hours prior the class. Only booked after getting your confirmation.

Soft yoga

Check availability call: +47 484 22 888
Evening 17.00 - 18.00

Using yoga positions from the Ashtanga yoga system, this class is softer. We move through the positions in a slower manner with focus on breathing and finding calmness and space in the body. Please, book at least 24 hours prior to class. Only booked after getting your confirmation.

  • Price drop-in (60 min) 300 kr per person

Private classes

You can book a private session with one of our teachers. The class will be suited for your wishes and needs. Contact us and we will find a time that will work for you.

  • Private class (60 min / 90 min): 2000 NOK / 2500 NOK

Remember to book in advance through +47 48 42 28 88, or on mail: Thank you!

Body is not stiff, mind is stiff
— Sri K. Pattabhi Jois