Are you looking for an inspiring yoga class, a unique place for team building or just a place to find peace? Don't hesitate to get in touch with us!



Nøsasvingen 19    Panoramavegen
2960, Røn


Opening hours

Every day 09:00 - 19:00

We respond promptly to emails.


Driving directions

By airplane

Choose one of the airports around Oslo, such as Gardermoen or Torp, if you're flying from abroad. It's worth noting that Torp is more than an hour away from Oslo, which needs to be factored into your planning.

By train

The Oslo-Bergen train line runs from Oslo Central Station (Oslo S) several times a day and stops at Gol. The trip takes around 3 hours. See for detailed train route. From Gol we offer pick-up by car (See separate fee and schedule for pick-up at the bottom of the page). Remember to send us an e-mail in advance of pickup!

By bus

Nor-way Valdres Expressen runs daily from Oslo Central Station to Fagernes, and the trip takes between 3 and 4 hours. Take Valdres Expressen and get off at Fagernes Skysstasjon. Buy your tickets online to get slightly cheaper tickets. From Fagernes we offer pick-up by car (See separate fee and schedule for pick-up below). Remember to send us an e-mail in advance of pick-up!

See for detailed bus route.

Pickup Gol or Fagernes

Please contact us in advance if you wish to be picked up in either Gol or Fagernes. Here is the schedule for pickup:


From Gol to Nøsen

  • 16:00 (estimated arrival: 16:50)

  • 18:00 (estimated arrival: 18:50)

From Nøsen to Gol

  • 14:00 (estimated arrival: 14:50)

  • 17:15 (estimated arrival: 18:05)

From Fagernes to Nøsen

  • 13:45 (estimated arrival: 14:25)

  • 16:15 (estimated arrival: 16:55)

  • 18:15 (estimated arrival: 18:55)

From Nøsen to Fagernes

  • 10:45 (estimated arrival: 11:25)

  • 14:30 (estimated arrival: 15:10)

  • 18:00 (estimated arrival: 18:40)

Pick-up in Gol costs 350 NOK per person.

Pick-up in Fagernes costs 250 NOK per person.

We can be reached here:

For booking, events, drop-in or general enquiries:


Phone: +47 484 22 888

For volunteers:
