Join us in this retreat where we dive into ancient meditation practices, cold baths as well as intuitive ways of connecting to our inner resources.
Through Qi Gong, movement and Ice Bathing we engage with our system in a way that supports a peaceful mind and relaxed resilient body.
In this context, Qi Gong is the practice of following the bodymind-system's natural and universal ways of movement. Improving the free-flowing and effortless qualities of movement that are found in playing/dance and natural ways of moving. We share a selection of ways to enter into this effortlessness through exploring your own body's patterns and becoming more aware of the natural breath and movement already happening. How would it be to let go into what awareness can be, and see what happens?
Our wish is to create the perfect space to both rest in movement and feel renewed and refreshed through being more present with the body and its own flow and internal energy.
We will share ways of nurturing and calming the body and mind through restorative practices based on Qi Gong, dance and movement. This will also serve as a good foundation to meet stress and resistances in everyday life, and also prepare the body and focus to meet the cold, deepening the practice through an optional ice bath session every day. Participants are invited to join the bath every day and some of the practices will be preparing the body for this, although it is not compulsory to attend each day. The group is invited to provide support and encouragement for the ones taking the bath.
Ice bathing is optional each day of the week, as a supplement to the Qi Gong practices to open and integrate further through the body.
We invite you to explore a different kind of gathering of connecting yourself, softening into our bodies and spending a joyous time together.
As in Beatles famous words,
"Get back to where you once belong"
You can expect:
* Breathing deeper into your body and connecting to your body’s natural flow
* Moving every day
* Moments of deep stillness and softness
* Joyous moments with other people both in classes and and outside the scheduled sessions
* Becoming more “online” within yourself
Day 0
Friday 5th
Arrival evening
18.00-19.00 Dinner
Day 1
Saturday 6th
07.30 - 09.00 Opening Introduction, meditation, morning practice
09.00 - 10.00 Breakfast
10.00 - 12.00 Pushing hands, contact, soft practice
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.30 Ice bath in the lake
17.00 - 18.00 Inner Qi Gong / meditation
18.00 - 19.00 Dinner
20.00 - 21.00 Still Meditation
Day 2
Sunday 7th
08.00 - 09.00 Meditation, morning practice
09.00 - 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 - 13.00 Guided movement meditation, dance & intuitive exploration
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.30 Ice bath in the lake
17.00 - 18.00 Inner Qi Gong / Meditation
18.00 - 19.00 Dinner
20.00 - 22.00 Sound meditation
Day 3
Monday 8th
08.00 - 09.00 Meditation, Morning Practice
09.00 - 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 - 13.00 Pushing hands, contact, soft practice
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.30 Ice bath in the lake
18.00 - 19.00 Dinner
20.00-21.00 Meditation
Day 4
Tuesday 9th
08.00 - 09.00 Self massage, morgen praksis
09.00 - 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 - 13.00 Qi Gong / Sharing
13.00 -14.00 Lunch
15.00 Social hangout & Good bye
Benjamin A. Lindh Medin
Born in Sweden (1989) based in Switzerland, Benjamin grew up in between a world of Dance, Theater, Music, to Yoga, Spirituality and Healing since a very young age. He has had a chance to travel a lot through work as a teacher and performer as well as living in London, India, and Hong Kong for extended periods of time.
Benjamin works as a freelance dancer, with Thai Yoga Massage and Energy Healing. The last ten years he has been focusing on his practice of subtle energy awareness through Somatic movement practices, Qi Gong and Tai Chi. Nowadays his main practice is based on Qi Gong and intuitive movement.
His teachings include fascial movement practices connecting to a deeper body awareness and mobility, as well as meditations to empower our energy, emotional balance and intuitive wisdom, restoring our health, nervous system and well being.
Benjamin A. Lindh Medin /
+41 779 639 104
Alexander Aarø
Alexander har hatt en daglig praksis av bewegelse og terapeutisk arbeid siden 2013, er utdannet Danser med pedagogikk, instruktør i den terapeutiske bevegelsesmetoden Gyrokinesis i tillegg til å ha undervist i Cubansk salsa, pardans, improvisasjon og andre dansetradisjoner siden 2007.
Han er i tillegg utdannet coach gjennom Leadership by Heart og Qigong Healer gjennom Robert Peng Qigong (også kalt White Light Qigong).
Alexander har lenge vært interessert i hvordan kroppen skal kunne være i optimal funksjon og hvordan det å ha en aktiv og bevegelsesfull hverdag skal føles godt og med overskudd i kreativitet og bevegelse.
Han studerer i tillegg musikk nå på Westerdals og skal spille under lydreisen på retreatet.
Han har holdt på med isbading, kalddusj og kuldeeksponering siden 2016, inspirert av sin egen bestefar som begynte med isbading som 50-åring for å motvirke isjas-smerter og fortsatte med dette til han var 90 år.
Alexander ser frem til å dele noen enkle fokus gruppen sammen kan utforske for å fordype forståelsen, kontakten og opplevelsen av egen kropp.
Alexander tilbyr også Qigong massasje og energibehandling i løpet av retreatet.
Ta kontakt for å sette tid for dette på
Whole retreat cost with accommodation
Early bird:
Single room: 7250 kr per person
Twin room: 6550 kr per person
Group room: 5450 kr per person
Standard prices:
Single room: 8100 kr per person
Twin room: 7400 kr per person
Group room: 6300 kr per person
Helg retreat 6-8 Januar
Single room: 5475 kr (early bird: 4975 kr)
Twin room: 4950 kr (early bird: 4550 kr)
Group room: 4125 kr (early bird: 3725 kr)
Price includes:
Teaching during the stay
Accommodation at Nøsen Yoga and Fjellhotell
3 nutritious vegetarian meals per day
Tea, infusion and snacks during the workshop
VAT is included in the price
Price does not include:
Our barista coffee, specialty teas, extra snacks and drinks.
Extra towels / bed linen *
Pickup to/from Fagernes or Gol (see separate prices under directions) How to get here — Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell (
*Please keep in mind that as an eco-friendly hotel, we only provide one set of towels/bed linen during your stay.