This is a limited offer as we only have 10 spots. Join if you have the chance! 🙂
FRIKAR X og Fjelldansen regional kompetansesenter for dans inviterer til workshop med Bruno Caverna på Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell. Kontaktbasert impro kombinert med ayurvedisk mat og Valdres-fjell!
PRIS: 4000 kr. Inkluderer workshop, fire overnattingar og alle måltid.
Bruno Caverna var med FRIKAR og laga "Bastard" i 2007. Han kjem frå samtidsdansen og capoeiraen i Rio de Janeiro og har fått ein viktig posisjon i Europa for utviklinga av sensorisk og formlaus trening for dansarar. Arbeidet dreg veksel på blant anna internal martial arts, capoeira og kontaktimpro.
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Frikar X and the organization "Fjelldansen" in Norway wants to invite you to a workshop with Bruno Caverna at Nøsen Yoga Retreat Center. A workshop which involves influences from martial arts, dance and tensions relief practices combined with Ayurvedic food and gorgeous nature.
Bruno Caverna is originally from Brazil. With a background in capoeira, he's been active in the contemporary dance scene for many years. Now, Bruno is considered a very respected teacher within formless martial art and contact dance related practices, where he combines all of his background in to a practice of play, sensitivity and finding deeper connection to understanding our minds related to the body.
Please see his own description below.
4 day workshop, including food and accommodation.
Sign up through:
A self-empowering physical practice that weaves together cooperative qualities of any type pf partner dance with highly refined confrontational principles from internal martial arts. The exploration goes beyond the fringes of mere physicality. The reciprocal mirroring through the physical drills leads the practice into a deep space of self-discovery, for acknowledging and revealing myriad aspects in human interactions and expressions. The core guidance is to learn how to preserve own integrity and inner calm under controlled stress-induced events while being engaged through playfully confrontational interactions. The embodiment of principles of non-resistance and non-violence is at the top of all achievements for allowing flow to be embodied, returning thus to our original state of being.
Takk til Kulturrådet for stønad!