I believe everything started about 5 years ago. I was working for a theater company and we applied to get a Norwegian scholarship to produce a theater play of a national author. I had never thought about Norway before, but since that moment, I felt something lighting up in my soul. The idea of going to Norway haunted me, and excited me.
Anyway, we didn’t get the scholarship, and my job in Mexico kept me busy, but I never let go of going to this northern land. At least twice a year I searched for masters in Norway, but I didn’t really liked any programs, and studying something just for the sake of being there, didn’t seem the best idea.
Itzel hjemme i Mexico City
Simultaneously I began my spiritual journey. In meditations I saw a mountain and a lake, it was a cold place because sometimes I saw it covered with snow. I used to visualize myself outside of a cabin, in the mountain slope, with my dog by my side. Several spiritual guides told me they also saw a mountain and a lake calling me, one of them even mentioned Norway….
Little by little I started to make more time for yoga, and with the pandemic time was no longer an issue. I even started to search for teachers who went deeper into the philosophy part of yoga, because I was starting to believe that I was not bringing yoga into my life by only doing postures.
In this search I came across this name: Alexander Medin.
I searched som more, and …oh! This Alexander Medin talks in great detail about the yoga sutras. More searching: where is he from? Double Oh! From Norway! I searched even more, do you give yoga teacher trainings? triple oh! Yes! Oh but it's in Norway, at intervals throughout a year. I investigated a little more: Quadruple Oh! He is the owner of a hotel in the mountains in front of a lake that is run by volunteers who work for the hotel.
Fra Mexicos strender til norske fjell…
I contacted Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell immediately, my heart jumped with excitement just by doing that, and to continue the excitement - they replied to my email! There was the possibility of going to study and staying for a year if I worked as a volunteer on days when there were no yoga-classes. And they asked me for an interview! I never understood the reason for the interview, I just felt that they asked me about everything I love to do and what I'm looking for. And that was it! Nøsen had a place for me, and they were waiting for me.
2,5 months since I got here. I must admit this change has not been quite easy. On the first weeks I questioned if I had taken the right choice, if I was in the right place. Turns out it is just a matter of understanding and adapting to the flow of energy of every place. Energy flows differently here. It comes from the earth, a grounding energy. Today I understand I am in the right place, surrounded by the right people, and my heart is just bursting out with love. How not to fall in love with these mountains, with these colors.
This to me is magic!