4-Day Forrest Yoga & Breathwork Retreat with Ilias Kousis

4-Day Forrest Yoga & Breathwork Retreat with Ilias Kousis

Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell (map)

Ready to take better control of your nervous system and make wiser decisions based on who you really want to be instead on your fears and insecurities? Perhaps you are ready get rid of a physical pain in your body that has been troubling you for a long time and had no progress although you have been visiting different experts all the time? There is no better time to take the quantum leap than… now! Join me for this 4-day quest in order to equip yourself with practical, easy-to-use tools to incorporate in your daily life to handle the daily stressful situations in much more resourceful ways. Let me help you materialise the changes you dream of achieving!

This retreat aims at helping you better understand the fluctuations of your nervous system and its signals and how it affects your body (i.e., physical pain, injuries) and your emotions (e.g., trauma resurfacing, panic attacks). You will learn how to stop self-sabotage and how to effectively get closer to manifesting the life you are dreaming of. Here is how:

  • Physically intense, yet powerfully therapeutic, Forrest Yoga sequences which will create harmony in your body. Accessible for all levels.

  • Therapeutic hands-on assists that will bring space into your joints and make you feel more at ease in your body instead of pushing you to injury.

  • Daily Ceremony and Vision Quest, which will help you shed the internal noise, cleanse your energy field and prepare the fertile soil to plant the seeds of change and transformation.

  • Breathwork sessions that will help you influence your autonomous nervous system to function optimally.

You will learn how to turn shit into fertiliser by approaching pain, injuries, stress and emotional issues of all sorts from a place of problem-solving and embrace them as teachers. We are meant to use such learning experiences as a call for action to discover our own, unique gifts and put them into good use and be of service to humanity. I strongly believe that we are here for a higher purpose. Let me help you get more clarity on what’s yours!

Your Teacher Ilias

Ilias is a Level 5 - Forrest Yoga Guardian handpicked by Ana Forrest and Jose Calarco. He is also a certified Energy Medicine practitioner by dr. Alberto Villoldo (Four Winds Society). and Certified Breathwork Coach by YogaBody Teachers College. He is based in Oslo, where he is offering group, private and corporate yoga classes, as well as workshops, teacher trainings, immersions and retreats. He loves helping his students open up new neurological pathways, take better control of their nervous system and heal their physical and emotional pain through Forrest Yoga, therapeutic hands-on assists, bodywork Ceremony, Breathwork and Energy Medicine. His classes are intense – yet accessible to all levels – and provide a unique blend of playfulness and discipline and revolve around finding softness within strength. His intelligently created sequences create a feeling of harmony, relief and space in body and mind as they are based on his deep understanding of anatomy. Very often, his sequences help the practitioners dissolve old scar tissue, revitalise their fascia and free themselves from trauma, always under the full support and guidance by Ilias.

Ilias is expert on seeing energy and addressing the specific needs of his students, even in a group setting. He is truly passionate about working on the energetic field of his students by purifying it, so that they can grow new body that heals and ages differently. His scientific background as geoscientist helps him to be structured and succinct in his teachings. He knows how to marry spirituality and science in a way that makes sense. His goal is for the students to leave the classes feeling energised, inspired and spacious in body and mind, so that they can live their lives in a way that makes them feel proud of themselves.

Ilias teaches in English, but speak Norwegian very well.

For any questions, feel free to contact your teacher at ikousis90@gmail.com

Good to know

  • Optional: Bring your own yoga mat for hygienic reasons.

  • Please do bring a large bath towel, which we will use as a prop (roll)

  • I will create a WhatsApp group where we can coordinate for car sharing

  • If you plan to travel to Nøsen by public transport, click here for info.


  • Q: I have attended your retreat before. Is it going to be the same content?

    A: No, all my events are different and customised according to the people attending them and my latest inspirations. I keep myself busy with evolving constantly, so there’s no way it will be an exact copy.

  • Q: Is this retreat only for advanced students when it comes to the physical practice? It sounds advanced!

    A: Good question. The answer is NO. In all my events I provide variations for students of all levels, including people with injuries and pregnant women. However, this retreat will do challenge your physical, mental and emotional limits in a safe and interesting way that will help you grow on all levels.


(can be subject to small changes)

Thursday (Arrival day):

  • Check-in from 15:00

  • 16:00-18:00 (2 hr): Ceremony, Forrest Yoga practice and Breathwork

  • 18:00-19:00 (1 hr): Dinner

  • 20:00-20:30 (30- max 45 min): Talking Circle & Breathwork


  • 7:30-10:00 (2,5 hr): Ceremony/Forrest Yoga Morning Intensive and Pranayama.

  • 10:00-11:00 (1 hr): Breakfast

  • 11:00-13:30 (2,5 hr): Free time (skiing, sauna or simply introspection)

  • 13:30-14:30 (1 hr): Lunch (you can have it packed if you like)

  • 14:30-16:00 (1,5 hr): Free time (skiing, sauna or simply introspection)

  • 16:00-19:00 (3 hr): Vision Quest/Emotional Processing, Q&A, Bodywork, Breathwork

  • 19:00-20:00 (1 hr): Dinner

Sunday (Departure day):

  • 7:30-10:00 (2,5 hr): Ceremony/Forrest Yoga Morning Intensive - Open Practice & Talking Circle

  • 10:00-11:00 (1 hr): Breakfast

  • 11:00: Check-out

  • 11:00-11:45 (45 min max): Talking Circle & closing Sacred Space

Your investment:

  • Group room: NOK 5500

  • Twin room: NOK 5800

  • Single room: NOK 7150

  • Double room: NOK 7450 (one person) / NOK 12950 (two people)

What’s included:

  • Accommodation from Thursday (check-in 15:00) to Sunday (check-out 11:00)

  • Dinner on Thursday, breakfast/lunch/dinner on Friday, Saturday and breakfast/lunch on Sunday.

  • All sessions with Ilias

What’s not included:

  • Transportation to and from Nøsen

Mountain Peace with Qigong & Taiji, with Jim Klarp

Mountain Peace with Qigong & Taiji, with Jim Klarp

Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell (map)

Come and learn a unique system: Taijiwuxigong

It will be a varied weekend with theory and exercises: the origins of Qigong and Taiji, why unnecessary stress and poor posture make us ill, breathing techniques, meditation, as well as standing, seated, and lying exercises. The exercises make us strong and focused, yet light and playful, and are based on the very essence of yin and yang.

The course is suitable for both beginners and those who already have experience with Qigong and Taiji.

After a Highly Successful Course in the Fall, Jim Returns to Share More Knowledge About Taijiwuxigong

A complete system developed directly from Taijiquan by Dr. Shen Hongxun to combat the strains and health issues associated with modern lifestyles. The system is easy to learn, serves as a safe and effective self-healing method for physical and emotional challenges, and also provides the foundational principles for healing others.

Many people talk about or study Qi for years, but few actually feel Qi as a living, flowing experience in their own bodies. The Qigong taught here can give you this direct experience and positively impact your health by optimizing the body's inherent healing abilities. An element of this practice can also awaken latent innate functions often described in Eastern literature.

TaijiWuxiGong/Wuxi Daoyin

Daoyin consists of controlled movements and semi-spontaneous exercises targeting specific areas of the body. These exercises are part of the Qigong system Taijiwuxigong, which translates directly to "Five-Joint Breathing." Through Daoyin, we focus on five different body areas (head/neck, arms/shoulders, chest, abdomen/hips, and feet/heels) and work with all the joints in the body, allowing them to "breathe" and renew themselves by removing stagnation. This practice also stimulates the circulation of joint fluids, replacing old fluid with new and thereby bringing fresh oxygen and nutrients to the joints.

Spontaneous Movements

Spontaneous movement is a vital part of our Qigong and Taiji practice. Only when Qi is in motion can stagnation and blockages be removed. Spontaneous movement is a natural phenomenon in life, as the human body is constantly active through various physiological processes without conscious involvement. From an Eastern perspective, energy also moves at different frequencies.

Specialized spontaneous exercises have been developed to regulate, normalize, and optimize frequencies, mobility, and physiological processes. Mastering these exercises can significantly accelerate progress in one’s practice.

Dr. Shen Hongxun

Founder of the Systems: Dr. Shen, a physician trained in both Western and Chinese medicine, a lama in Tibetan Buddhism, and one of the most knowledgeable Tai Chi instructors in the world, combined "secret" knowledge from Chinese martial arts with insights from modern medicine. Through this synthesis, he developed entirely unique systems to help people navigate the challenges of modern life.

Jim Klarp

Jim Klarp is a co-owner of Qigongsenteret – Oslo’s largest center for Taiji and Qigong instruction. He has studied and practiced Qigong, Taiji, and meditation since 2006. He has earned certifications as a Taijiwuxigong instructor and in Buqi (energy healing) under Dr. Shen Hongxun and his daughter, Shen Jin. Additionally, Jim has gained expertise in several of Dr. Shen’s disciplines, including E-mei, YiJin Jing Daoyin, Pushing Hands, and meditation.

Before focusing on Qigong and Taiji, Jim trained in Wado Karate for 12 years, achieving a 2nd Dan black belt. He competed on the Wado national team and taught children, youth, and adults for 10 years.

In his teaching, Jim is committed to preserving Dr. Shen’s knowledge so it is not lost. He focuses on sharing his deep understanding and insight, placing great emphasis on personal guidance and follow-up with his students.



  • From 15:00: Check-in / arrival at Nøsen Hotel

  • 16:30 – 18:00: Welcome session

  • 18:00 – 19:00: Dinner

  • 19:30 – 21:00: Qigong and meditation


  • 07:45 – 08:30: Breathing and stretching exercises

  • 09:00 – 10:00: Breakfast

  • 11:00 – 13:00: Taiji, Qigong

  • 13:00 – 14:00: Lunch / free time

  • 16:30 – 18:00: Lying meditation

  • 18:00 – 19:00: Dinner

  • 19:30 – 21:00: Breathing and sound exercises, meditation


  • 07:45 – 08:30: Taiji

  • 09:00 – 10:00: Breakfast

  • 10:30 – 13:00: Taiji, Qigong

  • 13:00 – 14:00: Lunch / departure


(option to pay 50% up front/ 50% upon arrival)

  • Shared Room (max 4 people per room): NOK 4,950

  • Twin Room (2 people sharing): NOK 5,150

  • Single Room: NOK 6,050

  • Double Room:

    • For 1 person: NOK 6,250

    • For 2 people: NOK 10,900

The Price Includes

  • Accommodation for 2 nights in a single room, double room, or shared room

  • The full retreat program

  • 3 nutritious vegetarian meals per day (Note: On arrival day, only dinner is served, and on departure day, breakfast and lunch are included)

  • Tea and coffee

Pilates & Yoga på Fjellet

Pilates & Yoga på Fjellet

Bli med på en nærende Pilates-helg på vakre Nøsen Yoga Hotell, hvor vi vil dykke
dypt inn i Pilates i dens klassiske ånd.

Uansett om du er nybegynner eller har erfaring, vil denne helgen være en perfekt anledning til å koble av fra hverdagens mas og få ny energi

Vi vil utfordre oss med ulike Pilates-små utstyr som Magic Circle og strikk, noe som gir en ekstra dimensjon til øvelsene. Øktene vil foregå på matte, hvor vi fokuserer på å styrke, mobilisere og tøye kroppen. Du vil få grundig opplæring i Pilates’ grunnprinsipper og lære å anvende dem i praksis gjennom en rekke mobiliserings- og styrkeøvelser. Under helgen er det også satt av tid til de som ønsker å dra på tur. Ta med fjellski eller langrennsski for å utforske fjellet fra skiløypene og få en enda rikere naturopplevelse. Denne helgen er en flott mulighet til å møte nye mennesker, finne roen i naturskjønne omgivelser, og forynge både kropp og sinn. Kom alene eller ta med en venn!

Velkommen til en helg fylt med bevegelse, velvære og inspirasjon på Nøsen Yoga Hotell!

Pilates er en unik treningsmetode som kombinerer styrke, fleksibilitet og kontroll gjennom spesifikke øvelser. Utviklet av Joseph Pilates tidlig på 1900-tallet, fokuserer Pilates på å styrke kjernemuskulaturen og forbedre kroppens balanse. Pilates som en Body&Mind metode hjelper med å finne sin "her og nå" i bevegelse. Tre fordeler med Pilates inkluderer forbedret kroppsholdning, økt fleksibilitet og styrket kjernemuskulatur. I tillegg kan Pilates bidra til å redusere stress og forebygge skader. Regelmessig praksis kan føre til bedre kroppskontroll og generell fysisk velvære.

Hvem kan delta: Dette er Pilates helg som passer for alle. Alle, uavhengig av erfaringsnivå, er velkomne! Dette er en flott mulighet til å komme bort fra hverdagens stress, møte nye mennesker og forfriske kroppen din med pilates i fjellheimen.

Det er ingen spesifikke krav til forkunnskaper; kurset tilpasses individuelt etter deltakernes nivå. Hvis du trenger tilpasning eller har spesielle behov, kan du kontakte Monika direkte før eller under oppholdet på e post: monikaszaynok.pilates@gmail.com.

Om Monika

Monika Szaynok er sertifisert Pilates-lærer, og PT, med stor lidenskap for natur og friluftsliv. Monika har fullført sin sertifisering gjennom klassisk utdannelse ved MyPilatesMethods innen matwork, reformer, spine corrector og ladder barrel. Videre oppdaterer hun jevnlig sine ferdigheter gjennom deltakelse på kurs og konferanser for kontinuerlig faglig utvikling. Nå underviser hun Pilates ved The Room (Porsgrunn), Studio Spire (Stavern), og LevelBalance (Tønsberg). Hennes tilnærming fokuserer på skånsom men effektiv trening som fremmer helhetlig kroppens utvikling og avspenning. Gjennom nøye tilpassede øvelser ønsker hun å hjelpe deltakerne med å oppdage og styrke den indre styrken deres. “Mitt mål er å fremme forståelsen av kroppens potensiale og viktigheten av en helhetlig balanse mellom kropp og sinn.”



  • 15:00 – 18:00 Ankomst og Check - in

  • 18:00 – 19:00 Middag

  • 19:00 – 20:30 Kort introduksjon for helgen og Pilates matte
    - strech for god natts søvn.


  • 07:30 – 08:45 God Morgen Pilates - klassisk pilates matte med lekende oppvarming.

  • 09:00 – 10:00 Frokost

  • 10:00 – 13:00 Mulighet for fjelltur (fjellski, langrenn), fritid.

  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunsj 

  • 14:00 – 15:30 Slapp av og nyt området.

  • 15:30 – 16:30 Pilates med Magic Circle - styrking av kjernemuskulatur.

  • 16:45 – 17:45 Pilates med strikk - styrkning av armene + mobilitet og strech.

  • 18:00 – 19:00 Middag 


  • 07:30 – 08:30 Pilates for en sterk og frisk rygg.

  • 09:00 – 10:00 Frokost

  • 10:00 - 11:00 Sjekk-ut 

  • 11:00 – 12:00 Litt teori, Q&A, oppsummering.

  • 12:00 – 13:00 Klassisk Pilates matte

  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunsj 

  • 14:00 Avreise

Price and booking

  • Single room: NOK 5.400

  • Shared room with own bathroom (max 2 people): NOK 4.300 per person

  • Shared room with own bathroom (max 4 people): NOK 4.000 per person

Price includes:

  • 2 nights in grouproom/single room at Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell

  • Sheets, blankets, and towels

  • 3 delicious plant-based meals a day (dinner first day - til lunch the last)

  • Complimentary tea, coffee

  • Yoga equipment

Price does not include:

  • Coffee, tea or other drinks from the barista

  • Extra bedsheets or towels

  • Pickup to/from Fagernes or Gol (see info when booking)

Fluid Flexibility med Francesca Golfetto

Fluid Flexibility med Francesca Golfetto

Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell (map)

Join us for a transformative weekend dedicated to mastering the Fluid Flexibility method—a unique approach that integrates active flexibility, movement fluidity, and strength-building within traditional yoga asana. This retreat is designed for yogis who are eager to deepen their practice by honing their body awareness, improving strength, and moving with greater confidence and intuition.

Throughout the weekend, you will immerse yourself in a series of expertly guided sessions that focus on activating core muscle groups while safely and effectively deepening your postures. The Fluid Flexibility method emphasizes the importance of mindful engagement, ensuring that each movement is both supportive and sustainable for your body. Through this approach, you’ll learn to move with a newfound grace and fluidity that enhances your overall yoga experience.

Each session is carefully crafted to build upon the last, allowing you to progressively refine your technique and embody the principles of Fluid Flexibility. You’ll explore dynamic sequences that challenge your strength and flexibility while cultivating a deeper connection to your body’s natural rhythm. The method encourages a mindful approach to movement, helping you stretch further and move more intuitively with each practice.

What to Expect

  • Active Flexibility: Learn to safely deepen your stretches by engaging the muscles that support your joints, leading to increased flexibility and mobility.

  • Movement Fluidity: Develop a seamless flow in your practice, moving with grace and precision through each posture.

  • Strength-Building: Strengthen core muscle groups to support your flexibility, preventing injury and enhancing your overall physical resilience.

  • Embodied Awareness: Cultivate a deeper understanding of your body’s movements, allowing for more confident and intuitive practice.

The Results

By the end of the weekend, you’ll notice significant improvements in your practice. The Fluid Flexibility method accelerates progress, helping you develop greater body awareness, strength, and a deeper connection to your movements. Expect to leave with not only a stronger, more flexible body but also a renewed sense of confidence and ease in your practice.

Whether you’re an experienced yogi or new to the practice, this weekend offers a powerful opportunity to transform the way you move and connect with your body. Join us and discover the profound benefits of Fluid Flexibility.

Francesca Golfetto

Hey! I am Francesca Golfetto, professional ballet dancer, certified yoga instructor and mum of 2. My interest towards yoga started as a hobby, to keep my body healthy while releasing physical and mental tensions created from the strenuous ballet regime.

However, it was through injury that yoga became my healing resource and my passion. Yoga has quickly given me many new dimensions to the already extensive experience with physical and mental exercises. I truly love sharing my experience and knowledge while remaining a student in my quest for new knowledge.

My style is based on fluidity of movements, using a combination of active flexibility and mobility to create strength without building tension. My classes are recognized for a high level of energy, a bit of laughter and a wide range of natural sequences aiming to benefit body and mind for all levels.

I teach daily classes in Oslo, online with @naardic and my own platform as well as international yoga organised events. On IG I am @francescagolfetto - www.francescagolfetto.com



  • 15:00 – Arrival - check in

  • 16:45 – 18:00 Hips bliss

    In this class we will focus on mobility  and flexibility of the glutes and outer hips.

    We will work on hips opening poses such as seated compass, pigeon pose, lizard poses and center split - moving mindfully with the breath with ease, grace and stability.

    You will leave the class feeling more comfortable and relaxed in your body and mind!

  • 18:00 – 19:00 Dinner

  • 19:00 - Meditation  - teas and chat after dinner


  • 07:30 – 09:00 Fluid Flexibilty - full body flow

  • Francesca's signature class combines active flexibility, movement fluidity and building strength within yoga asana.  She focuses on engagement of core muscle groups while working on deepening postures in a safe manner that supports the body.  This class is a total body flow, appropriate for all levels, with sequences designed to bring focus on alignment and to challenge the body mentally and physically. 

  • 09:00 - Breakfast

  • 11:00 - 13:00 Mid morning back bend workshop

    In this workshop we will look briefly at the anatomy involved in back bending which will include more than just the spine! We will go through a few "drills" to open the front of the body, strengthen the back and loosen shoulders and chest area. We will work with muscularly focused back bending such as salabasana (locust) and ustrasana (camel), and leveraged back bends such as dhanurasana (bow) and urdhva dhanurasana (bridge) . You should feel energized, tired and glowing after a class... and the long term benefit will be stronger core muscles, a more open back and chest and hopefully excitement for the next class

  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

  • Free time or cold bath or hike

  • 16:30 – 17:30 Yin yoga

    Relax, renew and restore yourself in this calm and meditative class

  • 18:00 – 19:00 Dinner

  • 19:00 - Meditation - teas and chats


  • 07:30 – 09:00 Splits

    In this special “split class” we will be working on increase the range of motion of your hamstrings, hip flexors, inner thighs and quads, as well as teaching you how to control your end range of motion for active, usable flexibility. You will also learn transformative tools of how to find ease within discomfort, using muscle activation, visualisations and the power of your breath. We will be moving fluidly to release tension throughout the body.

  • 09:00 - Breakfast

  • 11:00 - 13:00 Midmorning inversion workshop

    Learn to fly without fear. In this workshop, you’ll learn a three-step approach to headstand, forearm stand, and handstand that will transform your fear of going upside down. You’ll build strength, grace, and control as you move through the class step by step. You can expect a full body warm-up, a strength conditioning, wall work and 3 different ways to go upside down. The class will be playful and fun, transforming fear into confidence.

  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

  • Departure


Group room: 4950,- (per person)

Twin room; 5150,- (per person)

Single room: 6050,- (per person)

Double room from (1 person): 6050,- / 10.700,- (per 2 persons)

Price includes:

  • Accomodation for two nights

  • 3 nutritious veggie meals per day. (On Friday we have dinner, on Sunday there is breakfast and lunch)

  • Coffee and Tea

Price does not include:

  • Coffee, te or drinks from the barista

  • Extra towels and linen

  • Transportation and pick-up to / from Fagerns or Gol

Asker Yoga Shala

Asker Yoga Shala

Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell (map)

Asker Yoga Shala med Tina arrangerer to yoga-retreats på Nøsen yoga og fjellhotell i året, vår og høst. Vårt mål med dette oppholdet er å tilby gode yogatimer, fysiske og myke/rolige klasser som vil gi en opplevelse av indre ro samtidig som du vil styrke kroppen på en skånsom måte. Vi jobber fysisk så vel som mentalt og har derfor satt av god tid til teori både lørdag og søndag. Spørsmål mottas med takk og både de fysiske yogatimene og teoretiske bolkene vil inkludere alle, uansett forkunnskaper. Programmet er satt men innholdet kan tilpasses deltagerne, erfaringsmessig skaper drevne utøvere og de som er nye til yoga sammen en spennende og god dynamikk.

Nøsen er en perfekt ramme for en Retreat som dette, med naturen tilgjengelig for turer eller bare for å nyte den flotte utsikten fra hotellet. Det settes av tid på lørdagen for tur, lesing, strikking mm. Det serveres tre vegetariske måltider om dagen, frokost og varm-lunsj og middag.

Om Tina

Tina Ørbeck-Nilssen eier og driver Asker Yoga Shala, hun har mange års erfaring som yogalærer og egen praksis. Tina underviser mange ulike grupper, Ashtanga yoga ledet og Mysore (1`ste og 2`dreserien) i tillegg til et bredt spekter andre yogaklasser. Hun holder i tillegg workshops og kurs. Ved siden av yogaundervisningen jobber hun som Ayurvedisk yogamassasje-terapeut, en behandlingsform som de siste årene har blitt veldig populært i yogastudioet i Asker. Ayurveda er som Yoga et helhetlig system som både virker forebyggende og behandlende. Det Ayurvediske systemet eller tenkningen vil presenteres i kombinasjon med yoga teori/filosofi og kan på denne måten bidra til et mer balansert helhetlig bilde hvor personlighet og livssituasjon blir tatt hensyn til. Nå Tina på hei@askeryogashala.no

Noe av det vi vil se nærmere på:

  • Hvordan integrere yoga i hverdagen?

  • Hvordan bygge opp en sunn og helsebringende yogapraksis

En weekend som dette vil gi rom for å rette fokuset på seg selv, opplevelsen av ro og konsentrert tilstedeværelse over en lengre periode. Dette kan i større grad bidra til at denne gode følelsen integreres i kroppen også en god stund i etterkant av oppholdet. Det blir presentert øvelser og teknikker som kan benyttes på egenhånd etter litt øvelse, inkludert både fysiske- og puste øvelser. Dette oppholdet passer godt for deg som ønsker en helg for deg selv men også som en tur sammen med venner/venninner. Det er god tid til sosialisering og egentid respekteres.

Hjertelig velkommen!



  • 15.00-20.00 Check-in

  • 18.00-19.00 Middag

  • 20.00 Vi møtes ved peisen


  • 07.00 - 08.30: Ledet time

  • 09.00 - 10.00: Frokost

  • 10.30 - 12.30: Teori med egenpraksis som hovedfokus

  • 13.00 - 14.00: Lunsj

  • 14.00 - 18.00: Skitur om ønskelig/ egentid

  • 17.00 - 18.00: Myk Yoga

  • 18.00 - 19.00: Middag


  • 07.00 - 08.30: Mysore / individuell veiledning

  • 09.00 - 10.00: Frokost

  • 10.00-10.30 Check-out fra rom

  • 10.30 - 12.30: Teori/ Filosofi og evt. Teknikk

  • 13.00 - 14.00: Lunsj

  • Avreise

Priser for helgen på Nøsen:

  • Flermannsrom (du deler med max 3 personer per rom): 3700 per person

  • Tomannsrom: 4000 per person

  • Enkeltrom: 5100 per person

  • Rom med dobbeltseng: 5500 per person eller 9000 for to personer

Prisen inkluderer:

  • Overnatting i 2 netter på flermannsrom/dobbeltrom/enkeltrom hos Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell (eller i hytter)

  • 3 næringsrike vegetarmåltider per dag

  • Te, infusjon og snacks ila workshop

  • MVA er inkludert i prisen

Prisen inkluderer ikke:

  • Café-tilbudet vårt, for eks. kaffe, eller specialty teas

  • Ekstra håndklær /sengetøy

  • Henting til/fra Fagernes eller Gol (se egne priser under veibeskrivelse)

Mer info og spørsmål: hei@askeryogashala.no

Sadhana Intensive Easter Special with Alexander Medin 1

Sadhana Intensive Easter Special with Alexander Medin 1

Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell (map)

Enjoy the Easter holidays at Nøsen!

Our own Alexander and Nøsen invite you to the Sadhana intensive 11 - 16 April or 16 - 21 April. Suitable for beginners as well as advanced students.

These five days provide a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in yoga with Alexander Medin, who has decades of yoga practice, study and teaching behind him. Throughout the course, he will help you develop a solid personal practice and routines that strengthen both body and mind in everyday life (see schedule below).

Alexander will focus on what classical yoga really is, and how it has developed in different directions in our modern era. We explore different styles and techniques, look at what they have in common, and how they interpret yoga in different ways. By delving into the basic principles and the connection between techniques and exercises, we want to give a clearer picture of what yoga is - and how it can be integrated on a personal level.

The course is adapted to both beginners and advanced students. Participants will be divided into two groups based on experience and skill level. Each morning starts with early meditation/japa, followed by a guided class or Mysore practice, as well as breathing exercises, technique, study and introduction to classical yoga texts. In the afternoons, there will be light yoga practice, philosophy, breathing exercises or technique classes with a focus on mastering the positions.

Nøsen is located in the middle of magnificent, undisturbed natural surroundings, and every day there is plenty of time to explore the area. Here you can go hiking, strap on your skis, or just enjoy the silence. The ski slopes with panoramic views start right outside the door, and for alpine lovers it is only 10 minutes to Vaset and 30 minutes to Hemsedal. Both cross-country and alpine skis are available for loan. If you prefer peace and relaxation, there are also plenty of opportunities to retreat in front of the fireplace.

We serve tasty, nutritious vegetarian food, and three meals a day are included in the price, along with accommodation.

Welcome to Nøsen!



  • 15:00 – 17:00 - Arrival

  • 17:00 – 18:00 - Welcome. Brief overview of the week. Breath, movement and relaxation

  • 18:00 – 19:00 - Dinner

Saturday - Tuesday

  • 07:00 - 08:30 - Guided Class or Mysore class (two separate rooms)

  • 08:30 - 09:00 - Japa / Meditation / Pranayama

  • 09:00 – 10:00 - Breakfast

  • 10:00 – 12:00 Relax and enjoy the area

  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

  • 14:00 – 16:30 Leisure/Nature experiences

  • 16:30 – 17:15 Technique/Soft yoga

  • 17:15 – 18:00 Classical yoga texts/Yoga Sutras/Discussion

  • 18:00 – 19:00 Dinner


  • 07:00 - 08:30 Led Class and Mysore Class (two separate rooms)

  • 08:30 - 09:00 - Japa / Meditation / Pranayama

  • 09:00 - 10:00 Breakfast

  • 10:00 – 11:00 Check out

  • 11:00 - 12:00 Summary and wrap-up

  • 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch and departure

Alexander Medin

Alexander Medin has been teaching yoga for 22 years. He was certified by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in 2002, an honor only achieved by 33 people. He has an MA in Sanskrit and Indian Religions and has had the privilege of traveling the world teaching yoga.

As founder of the Back in The Ring Foundation, he has worked on several projects that help people who have fallen outside in life and give them the opportunity to build themselves up through a good yoga practice, increased sense of responsibility and socially useful work. Teaches in Norwegian primarily / English when needed in the group.

Contact Alexander at ram@nosenyoga.no if you have any questions about the course.


  • Group room (shared with max 3): 8850 NOK per person

  • Twin room (shared with max 1): 9350 NOK per person

  • Single room: 10,600 NOK per person

  • Double room from: 10,600 NOK (for 1 person) ) 19,450.00 NOK (for 2 people)

Price includes:

  • Accommodation for 5 nights at Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell

  • 3 nutritious vegetarian meals per day

  • Tea and coffee

Price does not include:

  • Our café offer, e.g. coffee or tea from the coffee shop

  • Pick-up to/from Fagernes or Gol

Sadhana Intensive Easter Special with Alexander Medin 2

Sadhana Intensive Easter Special with Alexander Medin 2

Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell (map)

Enjoy the Easter holidays at Nøsen!

Our own Alexander and Nøsen invite you to the Sadhana intensive 11 - 16 April or 16 - 21 April. Suitable for beginners as well as advanced students.

These five days provide a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in yoga with Alexander Medin, who has decades of yoga practice, study and teaching behind him. Throughout the course, he will help you develop a solid personal practice and routines that strengthen both body and mind in everyday life (see schedule below).

Alexander will focus on what classical yoga really is, and how it has developed in different directions in our modern era. We explore different styles and techniques, look at what they have in common, and how they interpret yoga in different ways. By delving into the basic principles and the connection between techniques and exercises, we want to give a clearer picture of what yoga is - and how it can be integrated on a personal level.

The course is adapted to both beginners and advanced students. Participants will be divided into two groups based on experience and skill level. Each morning starts with early meditation/japa, followed by a guided class or Mysore practice, as well as breathing exercises, technique, study and introduction to classical yoga texts. In the afternoons, there will be light yoga practice, philosophy, breathing exercises or technique classes with a focus on mastering the positions.

Nøsen is located in the middle of magnificent, undisturbed natural surroundings, and every day there is plenty of time to explore the area. Here you can go hiking, strap on your skis, or just enjoy the silence. The ski slopes with panoramic views start right outside the door, and for alpine lovers it is only 10 minutes to Vaset and 30 minutes to Hemsedal. Both cross-country and alpine skis are available for loan. If you prefer peace and relaxation, there are also plenty of opportunities to retreat in front of the fireplace.

We serve tasty, nutritious vegetarian food, and three meals a day are included in the price, along with accommodation.

Welcome to Nøsen!



  • 15:00 – 17:00 - Arrival

  • 17:00 – 18:00 - Welcome. Brief overview of the week. Breath, movement and relaxation

  • 18:00 – 19:00 - Dinner

Thursday - Sunday

  • 07:00 - 08:30 - Guided Class or Mysore class (two separate rooms)

  • 08:30 - 09:00 - Japa / Meditation / Pranayama

  • 09:00 – 10:00 - Breakfast

  • 10:00 – 12:00 Relax and enjoy the area

  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

  • 14:00 – 16:30 Leisure/Nature experiences

  • 16:30 – 17:15 Technique/Soft yoga

  • 17:15 – 18:00 Classical yoga texts/Yoga Sutras/Discussion

  • 18:00 – 19:00 Dinner


  • 07:00 - 08:30 Led Class and Mysore Class (two separate rooms)

  • 08:30 - 09:00 - Japa / Meditation / Pranayama

  • 09:00 - 10:00 Breakfast

  • 10:00 – 11:00 Check out

  • 11:00 - 12:00 Summary and wrap-up

  • 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch and departure

Alexander Medin

Alexander Medin has been teaching yoga for 22 years. He was certified by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in 2002, an honor only achieved by 33 people. He has an MA in Sanskrit and Indian Religions and has had the privilege of traveling the world teaching yoga.

As founder of the Back in The Ring Foundation, he has worked on several projects that help people who have fallen outside in life and give them the opportunity to build themselves up through a good yoga practice, increased sense of responsibility and socially useful work. Teaches in Norwegian primarily / English when needed in the group.

Contact Alexander at ram@nosenyoga.no if you have any questions about the course.


  • Group room (shared with max 3): 8850 NOK per person

  • Twin room (shared with max 1): 9350 NOK per person

  • Single room: 10,600 NOK per person

  • Double room from: 10,600 NOK (for 1 person) ) 19,450.00 NOK (for 2 people)

Price includes:

  • Accommodation for 5 nights at Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell

  • 3 nutritious vegetarian meals per day

  • Tea and coffee

Price does not include:

  • Our café offer, e.g. coffee or tea from the coffee shop

  • Pick-up to/from Fagernes or Gol

Spring Awakening: Breathwork, Cold Exposure, Playful Movements, Yoga Nidra & Cacao Ceremony with Dirk Janssen

Spring Awakening: Breathwork, Cold Exposure, Playful Movements, Yoga Nidra & Cacao Ceremony with Dirk Janssen

Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell (map)

A heartwarming transition towards summer with conscious breathwork, cold exposure training, nature immersion, playful movement, yoga nidra, ecstatic dance and cacao ceremony.

In spring, we experience the beginning of a new cycle in nature. Life returns, and a strong primal force emerges. Energy shifts from yin to yang. As part of the ecosystem, we feel this too. Now is the perfect time to connect your inner strength with the earth’s primal energy and embrace this new cycle.

Let go of winter’s heaviness and step into renewal. Join us for an extraordinary six-day retreat during the Easter holiday.

This immersive experience is designed to recharge your mind, body, and spirit through a powerful blend of breathwork, cold exposure, nature immersion, and soulful practices.

What Awaits You?

  • Conscious Breathwork
    Learn breathing techniques to boost energy, reduce stress, and deepen self-connection.

  • Cold Exposure Training
    Challenge yourself with ice baths and cold immersion to enhance resilience and strengthen immunity.

  • Nature Connection
    Restore balance by soaking in the tranquility of Nøsen’s stunning surroundings.

  • Playful Movement
    Rediscover joy and freedom through intuitive movement.

  • Yoga Nidra
    Relax deeply with guided meditations designed to help you unwind and recharge.

  • Ecstatic Dance
    Move freely and feel alive in a judgment-free space.

  • Cacao Ceremony
    Open your heart and set intentions during a sacred cacao ceremony.

Why Join This Retreat?

  • Renew and Rejuvenate
    Step into spring with a fresh mindset, renewed energy, and lasting wellness tools.

  • Community Connection
    Share this transformational experience with a supportive group of like-minded individuals.

  • Personal Growth
    Cultivate skills to navigate challenges and embrace life’s opportunities with resilience.

  • Me-Time
    Enjoy free time to explore, reflect, and do whatever your heart desires.

Enriching, energizing, refreshing, invigorating, nurturing, amazing, fun, magical, dream, healthy, social, playful, empowering, challenging, community, sharing, informative, connective, growth and inner peace are some of the words with which participants of previous editions summarize their experiences.

About Dirk Janssen

Dirk is an experienced wild wellness guide and breathwork facilitator from Belgium, with an innate love for nature and its elements. He loves to coach individuals, teams and companies on their own journey by letting them experience different ways to optimize their connection with their inner nature and their innate full potential. He applies nature-based wellness practices for this, with the breath as great connector. 

His own experience with life and training (Wim Hof Method instructor, forest bathing guide, breathwork facilitator, nature-based coaching and playful movement) make him the ideal guide on the way to a happy, strong and healthy life. Not only for people who are tired and looking for new energy, but also people who are curious about their strength and focus. Don't expect escapism, a floaty approach or an escape from society with him. He shows you the power of nature as a complement to everyday life and gives you practical tools to guide you through the rat race. 

He already organized 3 retreats at Nøsen, which were very well received by the participants


Program (small changes may occur)

Wednesday 16th

  • 15:00 - Arrival     

  • 18:00 - 19:00 Dinner

  • 19.00 - 20.00 Opening Circle - Ritual / Acquaintance / Program / Setting intentions

Thursday 17th

  • 07:30 – 09:00 Morning energizer - Warming up the body and opening the mind

  • 09:00 – 10:00 Breakfast

  • 10:00 – 13:00 Breathwork - Exploring the power & art of conscious breathing

  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

  • 14:00 - 18.00 Free time

  • 18:00 – 19:00 Dinner

  • 19:00 - 20.30 Yoga Nidra - Non sleep deep rest session

Friday 18th

  • 07:30 – 09:00 Morning energizer - Warming up the body and opening the mind

  • 09:00 – 10:00 Breakfast

  • 10:00 – 13:00 Cold theraphy - Exploring the power & the art of cold exposure training

  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

  • 14:00 - 18.00 Free time

  • 18:00 – 19:00 Dinner

  • 19:00 - 20.30 Yoga Nidra - Non sleep deep rest session

Saturday 19th

  • 07:30 – 09:00 Morning energizer - Warming up the body and opening the mind / Snow bathing

  • 09:00 – 10:00 Breakfast

  • 10:00 – 13:00 Free time

  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

  • 14:00 - 18.00 Primal Play - Movement / mindfulness / playfulness / functional breathing / games / connection

  • 18:00 – 19:00 Dinner

  • 19:00 - 20.30 Evening program

Sunday 20th

  • 07:30 – 09:00 Morning energizer - Warming up the body and opening the mind / Snow bathing

  • 09:00 – 10:00 Breakfast

  • 10:00 – 13:00 Breathwork - Exploring the power & art of conscious breathing

  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

  • 14:00 - 18.00 Free time

  • 18:00 – 19:00 Dinner

  • 19:00 - 20.30 Let’s dance! - Cacao ritual & ecstatic dance

Monday 21st

  • 07:30 – 09:00 Morning energizer - Rebirth session

  • 09:00 - 10:00 Breakfast

  • 10:00 - 10:30 Closing CIrcle

  • 10:30 - 11:00 Check out

  • 13.00 - 14.00 Lunch

In principle, this retreat is suitable for everyone, but requires good basic health.

During the retreat the safety of each participant is always central. All exercises and challenges are non-binding: as a participant you decide how far you go. The cold training part includes exercises that continue at a temperature below 16 degrees.

In a number of exceptional cases, however, it is better not to participate in the cold training. As a precaution, it is advised not to participate if you are pregnant or suffer from epilepsy or Raynaud’s syndrome type 2. If you have a cardiovascular condition or other serious health problems (adrenal exhaustion and kidney disorders, uncontrolled thyroid disorders, recent surgical procedures or injuries, burnout, etc.), you should consult your GP before taking part.


  • Shared group room (shared with up to 3 people): 8,850 NOK per person

  • Twin room (shared with 1 other person): 9,350 NOK per person

  • Single room: 10,600 NOK per person

  • Double room: From 10,600 NOK (for 1 person) or from 19,450 NOK (for 2 people)

Price includes:

  • Teachings during the stay

  • Accommodation at Nøsen Yoga and Fjellhotell

  • 3 nutritious vegetarian meals per day

  • Cacao during the ceremony

  • VAT is included in the price

Price does not include:

Livet, yoga og nervesystemet med Susanne Backofen

Livet, yoga og nervesystemet med Susanne Backofen

Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell (map)

Livet setter seg i kroppen og påvirker psyken vår.
Er du nysgjerrig på hva dette betyr for DEG, ditt liv og din yogapraksis?

Delta på retreat for deg som lengter etter bedre kontakt med deg selv, og menneskene i ditt liv!

Du vil på en lett forståelig måte lære om seks temaer:

  • Det autonome nervesystemet

  • Sammenhengen mellom vestlig vitenskapelig forståelse av det autonome nervesystemet og yoga f ilosofi.

  • Sansene og Pust

  • Affekt, emosjoner og følelser

  • Drømmer, lek og fantasi

Velkommen til en helg fylt med bevegelse, velvære og inspirasjon på Nøsen Yoga Hotell!

Ved å utforske disse forskjellige temaer, kan du utvide din forståelse og tilstedeværelse i deg selv, og være støttende i dine endringsprosesser. Retreaten består av foredrag, fysiske økter og dialog. Du vil få verktøy og en dypere forståelse av nervesystemets potensiale.

Om Susanne

Susanne er psykomotorisk fysioterapeut med en master i psykisk helsearbeid, og pilates og yogalæ rer. Hun har inngående kunnskap om hvordan traumer kan påvirke menneskets kropp og psyke, er genuin og autentisk i formidlingen, og engasjert i å forstå hvordan kroppen, sinnet og levd liv er forbundet.
Hun jobber til daglig som psykomotorisk fysioterapeut i Oslojelpa i bydel Grünerlakka, holder kurs i Yoga og Traumebevissthet på Puro yoga Oslo, har bidratt på Nøsenyoga og Back in the ring siden 2017.

Yoga og meditasjon har siden midten av 90 tallet vært hennes viktigste verktøy i livet. Hun studerer for tiden yoga med Alexander Medins Sadhana intensive. Susanne er mor til to nydelige døtre.


25 April - Fredag

  • • 15:00-18:00 Ankomst

  • 18:00-19:00 Middag

  • 19:30-20:00 Velkommen og det autonome nervesystemet

  • 20:00-21:00 Myke bevegelser

26 April - Lørdag

  • 7:00 - 8:30 Morgen yoga

  • 9:00 - 10:00 Frokost

  • 11:00 - 12:30 Vestlig vitenskapelig forståelse av nervesystemet og yogafilosofi

  • 13:00 -14:00 Lunsj

  • 18:00 - Middag

  • 19:00 -20:30 Pustens anatomi og pusteøvelser

27 April - Søndag

  • 7:00- 8:30 Morgenyoga. Integrering. Avslutning

  • 9:00-10:00 Frokost

  • 11:00 Utsjekk og avreise

Price and booking

  • Single room: NOK 4.600

  • Shared room with own bathroom (max 2 people): NOK 3.500 per person

  • Shared room with own bathroom (max 4 people): NOK 3.200 per person

Price includes:

  • 2 nights in grouproom/single room at Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell

  • Sheets, blankets, and towels

  • 3 delicious plant-based meals during the entire stay

  • Complimentary tea, coffee

  • Yoga equipment

Price does not include:

  • Coffee, tea or other drinks from the barista

  • Extra bedsheets or towels

  • Pickup to/from Fagernes or Gol (see info when booking)

Wake Up! Clean The Subcounscious Mind With Yoga And Deep Meditation with Jai Hari Singh

Wake Up! Clean The Subcounscious Mind With Yoga And Deep Meditation with Jai Hari Singh

Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell (map)

Join either half retreat 9th - 12th of May or the full retreat 9th - 14th of May 2025

Healing your soul, emotions, past experiences will bring peace and satisfaction to your life. In order to achieve that mission, it is important to train ourselves to activate our body with yoga, purify our nervous system with a good lifestyle, observe our mental habits with meditation, connect into the depth of our heart with unconditional love and let it go!

Deep meditation Retreat (3 or 5 days) is a process of dealing with our own story of life to face our personal challenges: like painful memories, traumas, feeling stuck in a certain difficult situation, grief, separations, anger, panic attacks, accidents, depressions, fears and specially all kind of addictions…. Looking deeply at ourselves “in the meditative mirror” to make changes in our mental habits to grow as a person and to be happy through a process of deep meditation and yoga. 

Through this process we invite you to rebuild yourself from the bottom up. It will bring focus to your personal histories, ancestors, conception, pregnancy, childhood, teenage years and family relationships. Then it frees you from unnecessary burdens of the past. In this way we can work out with what prevents us from moving forward and prospering in life... It’s time for us to be happy, to leave our fears, our traumas and our sensations of panic behind.  

This therapeutic workshop contributes to the deep transformation of the Self, thanks to the internal work through the technology that Kundalini Yoga teaches us, building a connection at that very moment, with the heart and the inner self. And above all, this process will take us, at a subconscious level, to the mental, physical and spiritual space of “cleaning the house” from any sensation of pain, traumas, weakening of emotions which have not been adequately assimilated, frustrations, fear that dwells in us, anger that result from all these undigested feelings, depressions and “heart ́s illnesses”.  

All of which hinder literally the awareness of the present moment, because of the anxieties we experience all the time, and separate us from the sensation of the divine presence of ourselves. We will explore together our liberation through a process of rebirthing and personal healing, thanks to this ancient technology of healing our “Self”. 

Anybody who wants to commit to his/her personal development and growth may participate, even with no experience in yoga and meditation, although having some experience helps a lot to go deeper. 

Who is Jai Hari Singh?  

Jai Hari Singh, French, born in Paris (1952), living in Mexico since 1974. He has been teaching Kundalini Yoga and meditation since 1979 and is a Trainer for students who want to be yoga teachers. He has been a Philosophy teacher (in the seventies) at the University, a little entrepreneur in the health food business (in the eighties) and high executive in the corporate world of IT and Telecom (in the nineties) and since 2002 dedicates his whole life to healing, coaching, yoga and meditation. He too organizes the concerts of mantra singing artists like Deva Premal & Miten, Snatam Kaut and Mirabai Ceiba.. He is a healer and a life coach. He now shares his knowledge and experience around the world, mainly to support people in their lifestyle, deal with their emotions and have a happy and prosperous life.


Friday 9th

  • from 15.00: Check-in

  • 17.00: Welcome and introduction

  • 19.00: Dinner

Saturday - Tuesday 10 - 13

  • 5:00 (optional) - Morning meditation (sadhana)

  • 7:30 - Tea or Juice

  • Personal take care

  • 09.00 - 10:00 - Breakfast

  • 10:00 - Yoga and meditation practise

  • 13.00 - 14:00 - Lunch

  • Free time - (mini retreat ends here on the 13th)

  • 15:45 - Nidra Yoga

  • 16:00 - Yoga and meditation practise

  • 18.00 - 19:00 - Dinner

Wednesday 14

  • 5:00 (optional) - Morning Meditation (sadhana)

  • 7:30 - Tea or juice

  • Personal take care and packing

  • 09.00 - 10:00 - Breakfast and check out (11:00)

  • 10:00 - Last meditation

  • 13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch

  • 14:00 - Good Byes

Workshop price

  • Group room (max four participants sharing): 5950 NOK per person / 9050 NOK per person

  • Twin room (max two participants sharing): 6400 NOK per person / 10050 NOK per person

  • Single room: 8050 NOK per person / 12800 NOK per person

  • Double bed room: 8050-8350 NOK per one person/ for two people 12800-13300 NOK

The price includes:

  • Accommodation for 3 / 5 nights at Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell

  • 3 nutritious vegetarian meals per day

  • Tea, infusion and snacks

  • VAT is included in the price

The price does not include:

  • Our café offer, for example barista coffee, or specialty teas

  • Extra towels / linen

  • Pick up to / from Fagernes or Gol (see own prices under directions)