• Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell (map)
  • Panoramavegen
  • Oppland, 2960
  • Norge

Now you get 365 new days as a gift. They never come back.
So I've made a little poem for you

If you have bad ballast
And you haven't calibrated your compass
Then you'll be a ship
That's off course

It shouldn't happen!!!
That's why you have to join

Amundsen would never have reached the South Pole without planning the journey for 4 years . Now we are going to plan your year together so that you get to where your heart feels good.

My goal is that in December 2024 you will feel enormous gratitude.
Then we've calibrated your compass
So you've dared to make some scary decisions
You've introduced a good new habit
You've been true to your values and are left with more self-love.
You have acquired more knowledge about something that interests you and gives you meaning and energy.
And... You know that you are in a place where it is good to be you.

2-4 January we will have workshops to calibrate your compass, find the direction and set out on this year's exciting journey. You must be allowed to be you.
No random winds should be allowed to take you away. You will be behind the wheel yourself. Proud, strong and  confident.

We do this together.
Together we are strong.
With morning and evening yoga
Ice bathing to practice being outside the comfort zone
food that gives the body nourishment and energy, we have the best framework to have a 3-day workshop to find the answers in you and make a plan, lock the coordinates and set sail for it best year ever.

If you ask me, this is the best Christmas present anyone can get.
A good start.


2 January

  • 15:00 Coffee and tea in the living room and welcome

  • 15:30-18:00 workshop I

  • 18:00-19:00 dinner

  • 20:00- yoga

  • Bjørg meditation and manifestation

3 January

  • 08.00-09.00 Yoga

  • 09.00-10.00 Breakfast

  • 10:00-12:00 Workshop II

  • 12:00-13:00 Trip in the nature / cross-country skiing

  • 13:00-14:00 Lunch

  • 14:30-18:00 Workshop III

  • Manifestation and meditation

  • 18:00-19:00 Dinner

  • 20:00-21:00 Yoga and evening meditation

4 January

  • 08:00-09:00 Yoga

  • 09:00-10:00 Breakfast

  • 10.00-11.00 Check-out from rooms

  • 11:00-13:00 workshop IV

  • 13:00-14:00 Lunch

  • 14:00-15:00 Summary

Then begins the NEW life you deserve and are meant to live.

About Bjørg Thorhallsdottir

Retreat price

  • Group room (max 4 guests per room): 4490 kr per person

  • Twin room (max 2 guests per room): 4990 kr per person

  • Single room (own room): 5490 kr per person

  • Double room with shared bathroom (1 or 2 personer per room): 5490 kr per 1 person / 9780 kr per 2 persons

  • Double room with own bathroom (1 or 2 persons per room): 5690 kr per 1 person / 9980 kr per 2 persons